Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The fast food restaurant

The other day parked my car in a mall which was near a drive-through also located on the same mall.

It was one of those drive-through's that went from two to one.

So as I'm parking my car, I noticed that two people are getting into a confrontation because both their cars converged at the same time. They were beeping their horns at each other giving each other the finger etc.

No wonder we have such a problem with obesity in this country! People are so lazy that they can't even parked their car and walk into the restaurant! So then they came through with the drive-through phenomenon... Now it's like people just don't want to leave their car!

It's already a fast food restaurant! It's not like they have to cook anything (or hunt it down and kill it and skin it first) -- but no, even though it's already fast food, apparently that's not good enough for some people. The drive-through also has to be fast and unimpeded!

The best word I have to describe the whole scenario is "oblivious".

When they see this, I see people that are entirely oblivious to the world around them! All they care about is themselves. They have no idea what they are eating or where it came from, or that a living animal had to die for this, usually in some horrific way.

What's worst is that there are those that know but continue on the same path anyway not doing anything about it.

It's true what they say about the stages of trauma. They go something like this;

  1. first it's total denial
  2. then when they realize they can't deny it next comes
  3. frustration and anger and resentment
  4. bargaining - (I promise I'll be a better person)
  5. followed by a stage of depression -- the "why me syndrome"
  6. if they make it through all that, then there is a realization, an epiphany, a light at the end of the tunnel, a realization, an acceptance.

hopefully this is followed by action otherwise the subject usually goes back to number one and the circle just keeps repeating.

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