Conan the Vegetarian
We have hands that were made for cultivating and growing things not long sharp claws used for ripping. Even Ben Johnson on steroids could not run as fast as a wolf to catch its dinner!
Did you know that adopting a vegetarian diet, automatically saves more carbon dioxide emissions than if you were to stop driving your car altogether!?
As Paul McCartney says, a vegetarian diet takes care of many things all in one shot --- Humanitarian -- animal cruelty- ecological- world famine All just by refusing to eat meat!
Another thing, people are so hung up on protein! again because of the media, people are told to eat so much protein, but then they get hungry! We can't forget that carbs ( carbohydrates) are the body's fuel ( all things in moderation).
There is a very simple reason why people continue to eat meat -- Tradition!
Their mothers and their mothers before that told their kids, "eat your meat to grow up to be big and strong!"But let's face it, our forefathers did not have the same scientific knowledge as we have today.
Reality check: Only 20 years ago there was no such thing as a fax machine! If there was it was certainly in its infancy! There were no cell phones or microchip computers either. A computer back then took up a whole room!
Rewind to 50,000 years ago were early man would sit in their tribe and watch the saber tooth tiger take down a deer for instance. Since then, the tribes thought that hunting animals might be a good idea and the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation.
But clearly we were not designed as carnivores. In case you haven't noticed, we do not look like wolves, or saber tooth tigers for that matter. In fact we have very long digestive tracts designed more for extracting nutrients over a longer period of time from plant based diets.
We have hands that were made for cultivating and growing things not long sharp claws used for ripping. Even Ben Johnson on steroids could not run as fast as a wolf to catch its dinner!
Did you know that adopting a vegetarian diet, automatically saves more carbon dioxide emissions than if you were to stop driving your car altogether!?
In fact all the cars planes trains automobiles on the planet do not create as much carbon dioxide emissions as the production of factory farmed animals! And that's not even including the poisoning of the water supplies created by factory farming! The factory farms are not even policed to the extent of say an oil refinery yet they pollute in most cases even more!
As Paul McCartney says, a vegetarian diet takes care of many things all in one shot --- Humanitarian -- animal cruelty- ecological- world famine All just by refusing to eat meat!
Do you know what a small change it is? it is as simple as moving your shopping from one aisle of the grocery store to the next! Instead of shopping in the meat aisle, shop in the vegetarian isle! Most grocery stores today support vegetarian diets (if yours doesn't, change stores) if you must have things that look and taste like meat, there are entire lines of products, veggie burgers -- look and taste like "real burgers" without the animals in them. There are veggie hot dogs that you could not tell the difference between your typical hotdog -- except that there are no animals in them in them.
if you saw a dead bird in your fridge, you would probably freak -- so why is it OK to see a dead chicken there?Why do cows get slaughtered, but horses get praised?Why do you love your pet, but in other areas of the world they are considered a delicacy?
Honestly now, if you were forced to have to go out, kill a cow (or a chicken or pig for that matter) -- no wait a minute..If you had to take a baby calf away from its mother when it was very young, then raise it all its life, nurture it for the two years it would take to grow to its mature size (factory farms have this down to 15 months) then one day, kill it, cut off the head and the legs, pull all the inners out, skin it, then eat what's left -- would you be able to continue to eat meat?Most of us wouldn't. It's just not natural.
When you go to the grocery store, and pick up a slice of meat or a chicken where all this dirty work is being done for you, you are contributing to that process. And you can avoid it by simply buying alternative foods! In fact you don't even need the taste likes that is just because tradition has rammed into our heads that we need to eat meat -- I don't even eat that stuff maybe once in awhile but it is a good way of weaning yourself off of meat to see that you really don't need it. We can have a completely balanced diet without animal protein.
There's something about protein:
Another thing, people are so hung up on protein! again because of the media, people are told to eat so much protein, but then they get hungry! We can't forget that carbs ( carbohydrates) are the body's fuel ( all things in moderation).
The body really doesn't need that much of it and what it doesn't need it gets rid of! The average person only needs .5 of a gram of protein per body weight per day! Bodybuilders ramp that number up to 2 g of protein per body weight -- and yet it is argued that not all of that is being used. Steroids contribute to the bodies metabolic rate.
If you're on steroids you may be able to metabolize more protein. But even that in itself will not make you look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and less you intend to spend every day in the gym.In fact if you're still interested in bodybuilding and really concerned about your diet you should check out Bill Perl is a famous bodybuilder who won practically every title there was going and he was a vegetarian! (Lots of steroids no doubt -- but no animals!) So if you can create a world famous bodybuilder physique through a vegetarian diet, there is no reason why the average person needs to consume animals.
Thanks for reading.
That's the spirit :)
I found your blog while I was googling some stuff, and it's incredible how posts that talk about sex or materialism are full of comments, when this kind of posts are totally ignored.
I am vegan, I totally agree with what you wrote and with plenty other things related to these kinds of options; I also think we should never quit spreading the word, however, let's not forget that we're the minority speaking and there are a huge number of dangerous institutions brainwashing human beings all around the world, so let's keep united.
Thank you for being aware,
Hey Rita thanks for your kind words. It's inspiring to realize that people actually read this stuff!
Certainly animals were not invented for human consumption. But where there is a profit, there will always be killing.
Best, Phil
No, thank you Phil.
It's a pity you can't read most of my blog posts, I'm sure you'd love it, I write chronics about these concerns as well; however some of them were already translated by me (don't notice the mistakes ;)
Keep it up friend.
Best regards,
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